Inconvenient Debt
I don't usually blog on politics or the economy--there are plenty of other blogs devoted to those things--but this Glenn Beck clip is. . . well, see for yourself. . .
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dord (dôrd), n. density of mind; chiefly exhibited by one who attempts to demonstrate supposed knowledge --adj. dord'ish
I don't usually blog on politics or the economy--there are plenty of other blogs devoted to those things--but this Glenn Beck clip is. . . well, see for yourself. . .
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Nicely done. ^_^ Thanks for sharing!
3/12/2009 11:58 PM
That's incredible! When non Christian government comes to power...such rot as this occurs.
Thank you for sharing.
3/14/2009 7:05 PM
Is Glen Beck a mormon?
3/23/2009 9:00 PM
Sorry for the delay in responding... I think he may be. I haven't researched it (or listened to him often enough to recall hearing him say so).
4/06/2009 11:33 AM
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