dord (dôrd), n. density of mind; chiefly exhibited by one who attempts to demonstrate supposed knowledge --adj. dord'ish


Humble Orthodoxy

New Attitude 2008 is still almost four months away, but I have an idea that will make that time seem much shorter. More importantly, it is also a great way for those of us who will be attending to prepare our hearts for what we will hear. (Not that you have to be attending to benefit. If you won't be there, keep reading, and join in anyway.)

New Attitude is an annual singles conference put on by Sovereign Grace Ministries since 1999. After taking 2005 off, New Attitude (Na) came back in 2006 with the theme of Humble Orthodoxy, "a commitment to believe, live, and represent biblical truth with humility." In 2007, the Humble Orthodoxy emphasis continued, with a focus on discernment. Those two conferences contained 15 main session sermons (from Josh Harris, C.J. Mahaney, Al Mohler, Mark Dever, John Piper, Mark Bullmore, Jeff Purswell, and Eric Simmons) all of which have since been made available for free download. The emphasis on Humble Orthodoxy is back again this year. The focus? The Word of God.

Maybe you've never listended to the Humble Orthodoxy messages. Maybe you heard them at the conference and haven't relistened to them. Maybe, like me, you downloaded them and relistened to them--last summer. Here's my plan.

This week (February 10-16), download and listen to "Rediscovering Humble Orthodoxy," Josh Harris' opening message from Na06. Pull out the old notes. Make new ones. Ask God how you can apply the teaching. Thank Him for ways that He has already enabled you to do so. Listen to the next message in the series each week over the following 14 weeks, and you can finish the week before Na08, ready to head off to Louisville to hear more.

I'm hoping to blog briefly on what I've listened to each week. Feel free to join in the discussion. But even better than joining an online discussion, enjoy Biblical fellowship by talking with people you know about what you're learning.

FREE download of the Na06 main sessions

FREE download of the Na07 main sessions

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sweet, Sweet, Sweet.
Thanks for the challenge.

2/05/2008 10:15 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

woohoo! nice stimulus to prime the pump for Memorial Day weekend, jason! I want to pass on something that helped me very much last New Attitude.

As I listened to a sermon, thoughts would come to me on how a point applied to my life. Those thoughts went from specific conviction to simple questions to pray about. As I wrote notes, I drew an asterisk and jotted down something to help me remember the thought, or I starred the specific point of the sermon that provoked me.

On Monday afternoon of the conference, I looked at all my sermon notes and copied the starred notes on the same page, one thought after the other. Boom: a clear list of things to pray about. Some were big, some were small, some were important, some could wait...but the process helped me hone in on attainable application points.

2/06/2008 5:42 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

P.S. That last post was from Rebekah (a.k.a Towropes)

2/06/2008 5:44 PM

Blogger Jason said...

Thanks for sharing those suggestions, Rebekah. I have pages of notes from the conferences, but I hadn't thought of writing all of the biggest notes down on the same page. I'll have to do that (with my old notes and new ones I take over the next few months).

2/07/2008 8:14 PM

Blogger Jason said...

NOTE: Since I posted this midweek of this past week, I've changed the "schedule" to start this week (the week of the 10th). There was a "buffer" of one week anyway, and this way anyone who didn't hear about it initially won't be a week behind.

2/09/2008 2:25 PM


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