Changing Seasons
One season must end before another begins. I know. There is nothing profound in that statement. But sometimes I want to enjoy two seasons at once.
What brings these thoughts to mind is the fact that summer just ended--and please don't remind me that fall doesn't officially start until September 23. Monday is the beginning of my next school semester--the Fall Semester. Whatever the calendar might say, I think there must be a reason why people say "summer vacation" and "fall semester." This is a bittersweet time for me. I love summer: the vacations; the time with family and extended family; the sports; and, yes, the extra free time. But I love fall as well: the crisp air, the hikes through the woods, and the coming of the holidays. I only wish that I could have the best of both seasons.
I guess this is nothing new for me. Whenever something fun or exciting happens, or whenever I make some great memories, I begin to wonder when it (the activity or event) will happen again. I want a repeat experience. If we have a church picnic, I can't wait for the next one. If we go to a bonfire, I begin to think about when we can do it again. I suppose that all of us, when we enjoy something, would like to repeat the experience.
The problem is that seasons change--and I'm not just talking about the four that come 'round every year. Even if the same activity happens, it will not be an exact repeat; who takes part might change, or else be changed. The danger of good memories lies in always comparing them to the present, and feeling that the present doesn't measure up if anything is different.
Seasons change. Thank God that they do. I don't really want to continue working my summer job through the rest of the year; and yet, when next summer comes around, I'll be glad to work and to have some time off of school. But the reason I'm grateful for change is not that it keeps me from boredom: there are many responsibilities in life that will continue, even as years or decades go by. Instead, I'm grateful because God uses change to remind me that I'm not in control and that He is. I otherwise tend to become confident in what I know, thinking that it amounts to a whole lot more than it does. Change brings challenges. Challenges remind me of my weaknesses. And my weaknesses remind of my need for God and of His greatness.
Labels: ponderings
Hi Jason,
(Found your blog through the Rebelution forums.)
Thanks for this post! I can totally relate to what you're saying. I just got home from a weekend at a camp with half of my (small) church, and getting back into work has been extremely difficult. But God is in control, teaching me to derive my joy from Him, not from my circumstances!
God bless,
8/28/2006 2:34 PM
When things change, specifically when good things pass, I think the pangs in our hearts are direct longings for heaven. I still don't quite "feel" it wholly, but I know that theoretically Heaven is like the best of all summers, falls, winters and springs, that never ends, yet never stagnates. That's impossible on Earth. If summer kept going, eventually we'd all be sick of it. If the awesome vacation kept going, after a few weeks we'd all be sick of each other and glutted on our self-indulgence and free time.
There is a very real sorrow over change on Earth (e.g. Daniel leaving for college. Oh man. Ouch.), but imagine the converse of that pain, and it's a little practical glimpse of Heaven.
Good post!
9/13/2006 12:12 AM
Good comment! Especially regarding the pangs in our hearts being "direct longings for heaven." Sometimes--check that, all the time--looking at things from an eternal perspective changes our perception for the better, and makes us more content with God's purposes.
9/18/2006 5:51 PM
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