Saying Goodbye
Two months ago was a time of saying goodbye. It's hard to say goodbye.
But I realized that it's hard because I have been given so much to be thankful for. It's not hard to say goodbye to people you don't love... I'm reminded of Tennyson's words, "Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all."
I've moved. But where one chapter ends another begins. And in God's grace, beginning a new chapter doesn't mean that the previous one is lost.
Because the gift of modern technologies takes some of the bite out of distance. Airplanes can bring one home from hundreds of miles for holidays. Skype can bring people together face to face from hundreds of miles at a minute's notice.
Because even though the dynamics of relationships inevitably change, the bonds of strong relationships aren't severed by distance.
Because there is That Day. Even when Christians say goodbye, never to meet again on this earth, what is regained for eternity can never be called lost.
And now again, the time has come to say goodbye, to leave Dord Defined, the only blogging home I've ever known. I've moved. But where one chapter ends another begins. I'll continue the conversation as we Journey Til That Day.
Labels: blogging, ponderings
11/16/2010 10:51 PM
mmnmmh that is great writing..
12/06/2010 8:40 AM
Another interesting topic to be discussed.
2/17/2012 2:19 AM
Good writing. I wish I was that adventeruous at your age. Welcome to MN.
3/02/2012 10:49 AM
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